AERON HODGES is a small woman, but if she stretches out both arms she can embrace the whole kitchen in the compact “innovation unit” Mayor Menino is promoting to attract young workers to Boston’s newest neighborhood.
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"They made their mark by thinking small.
That might seem counterintuitive for big-city architects, but it’s how many of the designers at ADD in Boston spend their days — working to make urban living spaces more affordable and efficient."
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Boston was ranked by The Economist as a top-10 city globally for its demonstrated ability to attract capital, businesses, talent and visitors. Sounds like a great place to live? Yes, but only if you can afford it. Over a third of the Boston population spends over 30% of their annual income on housing. More and more people are being forced out of the city. Established in 2012 by a group of young architects who were challenged to balance a base-line income against the rising housing cost, WHAT’S IN set a goal to find urban housing solutions that are more accessible to the greater workforce. Over the course of 5 years, the research group gathered data on housing preferences, designed affordable housing prototypes, cultivated collaborations with other groups with similar interests, and created an idea-sharing platform through an annual exhibit. In this book, we will take you on a journey of our discoveries from 2012 - 2016, where we strived to create an affordable downtown Boston living for everyone