QUAD 2016 Installation Coming to Live at ABX
Our WHAT'S In team has been working hard the past few weeks with students from Wentworth Institute of Technology and MassArt alongside KiKi ARCHi to have this installation come to live at ABX Nov 15-17. "Folding Paper", the winning submission, is composed of 40" x 60" sheets of paper folded into origami-like triangular shapes assembled together through the use of card board tubes, zip ties, staples and round lumber pieces. The lightness, flexibility and affordability of the structure aligns with our continued research on innovative affordable micro-living in urban environments.
We would like to extend an invitation for everyone to attend our award and reception ceremony for QUAD 2016 at the BCEC (Boston Convention and Exhibition Center) on Nov 16th 5-6pm. There will be tons of food, drinks and interesting conversations about meaningful public spaces in urban living environments.
Kohji Kawabata, on the top right hand corner, folding and creating paper pieces with our team
Card Board Tubes Everywhere! Our dear Erick and James having a fun afternoon with band saws and card board tubes
It is nice to see the fruits of several hours of work. The first rows have been assembled and are getting ready to be packaged and shipped to BCEC.
After long hours of work a family meal is well deserved!